Program Design
Harmony Project Bay Area (HPBA) provides high-intensity after-school music education at no cost to families or the school. With a focus on community building, our program strives to improve students' skills for academic and life success, such as problem solving, creative thinking, focus, collaboration, and non-verbal communication. These benefits are achieved through the experiences of belonging to a positive community (the orchestra), working towards shared goals (performances), and striving for excellence.
Our programming includes:
At least 3 hours of music instruction per child each week (2–3 days a week after school, depending on the class level)
Classes in violin, cello, chamber, orchestra, creative composition/improvisation, mentorship/leadership
We recruit students in grades 2, 3, and 4 who attend either Woodrow Wilson or Susan B. Anthony elementary schools, in an under-served area of Daly City where no other music instruction is offered. We commit to serve these students until they graduate high school - dozens of these secondary school youth from 8 different schools return to our sites in the afternoons and Saturdays for music class. We plan to add new students every August.
At these schools:
Approximately 70% of students qualify for the federal Free or Reduced Price Meal Program.
A majority of students are English language learners.
Only 30% of students meet state standards in language arts and math, with many being more than one grade level behind state averages.
Very little music instruction and few after-school opportunities are accessible to students.
We performed an analysis of the California Standardized Test scores for our students compared to a matched control group (an identical number of students from the same school teachers’ classrooms as HPBA's students). Compared to the control group, after 4 years HPBA students outperformed their peers by 13% in math and 20% in reading on state-standardized test scores!
For more evidence of our impact, including student interviews and interesting performance highlights, please view this page: